What Does Tep Stand for Legal Profession

Henry gained an LLB at Guildhall University in London. He then attended the College of Law in London and qualified as a solicitor in 1992. Henry is a member of the Society of Trusts and Estate Practitioners, a member of the Law Society Probate Section and a member of Solicitors for the Elderly. He is also an Associate Member of the Institute of Legacy Management.

In 2020, Henry, continued to be a Leading Individual and is recommended by the Legal 500 in his areas of expertise.

The Legal 500 Leading Individual 2021

Legal 500 Leading Individual

Private Client - Personal Tax, Trusts & Probate

  • "Henry Anstey is a truly professional and knowledgeable solicitor who has the uncanny ability to explain complex ideas in a manner which is intelligible to all." Legal 500 2020

Legal 500 Recommended Lawyer

Private Client - Agriculture and Estates

  • 'Henry Anstey has extensive experience in dealing with rural estates.' Legal 500 2021

Chambers UK HNW Guide 2020

Chambers guides are the culmination of thousands of in-depth interviews by a large research team and are trusted globally to objectively rank the world's lawyers and law firms.

Henry is described as being a 'notable practitioner' and has received a Band 1 recommendation for his Private Wealth Law work in Peterborough and surrounds from Chambers UK HNW Guide 2020.

  • '"Henry has given valuable guidance on some complex issues regarding probate and managed to communicate these in a clear and concise manner."' Chambers UK HNW 2020

Specifically, Henry can advise you on:

  • Preparing a Will - helping you to draw up a Will and consider the tax implications of how you leave your property and how that might impact on care going forward.
  • Tax Planning - helping you to reduce the amount of tax due on your death, whether by the use of trusts or other planning vehicles permitted under the law.
  • Advising on the creation and use of trusts as part of family wealth protection and the fiscal advantages that can be obtained.
  • Care Home Fees - planning for the possible impact of care home fees in the future by developing strategies to fund such care which minimize the impact on your assets and also working with other professionals to ensure that appropriate advice is sought to minimize the potential capital drain.
  • Obtaining NHS Continuing Care for elderly clients or challenging the decision not to award Continuing Care, including representing clients at panel meetings and on to the Parliamentary and Health Care Ombudsman
  • Drawing up a Lasting Power of Attorney - preparing for the future by drawing up an LPA to ensure that your property and your welfare are managed as you wish if you become incapable of doing so yourself.
  • Assisting with applications to the Court of Protection where mental capacity has been lost and Court approval is required to enable attorneys or deputies to continue to be able to make lifetime gifts out of the Donor's estate.
  • Preparing applications for the appointment of Deputies where no power of attorney has been made but there are finances to be managed. Preparing Statutory Will applications where amendments or new wills need to be made for those lacking mental capacity to do so themselves.
  • Drafting Advance Directives or Living Wills covering end of life decision making.
  • Administering an Estate when someone has died - carrying out the paperwork and applying for Probate or Letters of Administration and subsequently administering the estate. In addition, ways in which an inheritance can be ring fenced against future Inheritance Tax issues on the next generation.
  • Advising on care planning after the first death of a couple.


What Does Tep Stand for Legal Profession

Source: https://www.hcsolicitors.co.uk/profile/henry-anstey-llb-tep

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