Issac N Gilbert Family History Marion County Oregon
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Pioneer Families of Marion County
Compiled by Mrs. Effie Thompson
Pages: 122-285

(Page 122)The Census of 1840 contains only the names of heads of households. There are many names of men whose descendants are nonetheless living in Marion county and it is regretable that these families, because of lack of time and information, cannot be included in this study. Possibly, some time in the future a book dealing with the pioneer families of Marion County will be published. Let u.s. promise then.
It is the sincere desire of all who take helped in compiling this report that you volition enjoy every page, even though some histories, because of lack of infinite, have been reduced in length.
The help of all who have contributed to this chapter on pioneer families is deeply appreciated. We realize that there are many pioneer families that are not covered in this history, not because these families are not important or worthy of mention, but due to the fact that no history or record of the family was furnished the compiler, and because lack of time and available records made further research incommunicable. Every family history submitted, though some take been reduced in length, is included herein.
*Editor's Note: All of the states owe a deep debt of gratitude to "Miss Effie", the compiler, for her untiring efforts to brand the Family Histories of Marion County Pioneers a source of data and interest to all of us.
(pages 123-128 list the heads of households bathetic from the 1840 & 1850 Federal Census. These are non reproduced here since the same data is institute in the Census Records elsewhere on the Marion County site - Linda)
Please Note: The family unit genealogies found on pages 129-285 are not included in this transcription. These sketches have been updated and, in some instances, corrected in the Marion Co Genealogy Society'south volume "Marion Co Families: 1811-1900". If you would like to have a copy of 1 of these sketches delight contact someone on the Look-Up folio. Linda
A B C D Due east F M H I J K L Thousand N O P Q R Southward T U 5 W 10 Y Z
Page | Proper noun | 1st ancestor listed in sketch |
A Top | ||
129-132 | Adams (photo included) | James, Sr (b) 1745, Ireland |
133 | Alford | John & Mattie |
133-134 | Angel | John (b) NC |
B Top | ||
134-135 | Bearden | John Martin (b) 1819, TN |
135 | Drupe, James H House | Article from Arkansas Gazette |
135-136 | Berry | James H (b) 1823 VA |
137 | Blackness | Jessie (b) NC |
138 | Bond | J. L. (b) 1877 LA |
138-140 | Brooksher | Surfit (b) Germany |
140 | Briggs (photograph but) | Andy'south children |
140-141 | Bryant | John Calhoun |
141-144 | Burch | Henry (b) 1755 |
144-145 | Burleson | Joseph (b) 1830 NC |
145-148 | Burnes (photograph included) | Charles Frederick (b) ca 1750 |
C Summit | ||
148-149 | Carson | Rube |
149 | Carter | Perry C |
149-150 | Coker | William |
151 | Connell family (photo only) | Cal & Emma family |
150-151 | Cowdrey | Dr. James |
152-154 | Cox | George Washington |
154-156 | Cowan (photo included) | Andrew (b) Scotland |
156 | Cull | Wesley & Leslie (twins) |
D Pinnacle | ||
156 | Daffron | James |
156-158 | Davenport | William T |
158 | Davenport | Lafayette (b) 1833 AL |
158-159 | Denton | Benjamin Franklin |
159-160 | Dillard | James Franklin (Doc) |
160-161 | Dobbs | Johnathan (b) 1820 GA |
161-162 | Dodd (photo included) | Jim |
162-163 | Doshier | Wiley |
163 | Duggins | Edward (b) 1852 |
163-164 | Duren | William Carroll |
164-165 | Duren | Samuel Peel |
E Top | ||
166 | Estes | John |
F Top | ||
166-167 | Fee | Andrew Jackson (b) 1796 KY |
167-170 | Flippin (photo included) | Thomas |
170-172 | Floyd (photo included) | John Charles (b) 1859 TN |
M Top | ||
172-173 | Gilbert | Ed (b) 1837 |
H Top | ||
173-174 | Hall | Daniel Webster (b) 1790 Vermont |
174 | Village | Abner |
174-175 | Ham & Phillips | Matthew Ham (b) GA |
175-177 | Hand (photograph 1 .. photograph two) | Uriah |
177 | Harper | William Greene (b) AR |
177-178 | Hollingsworth | Valentine (b) 1632 Republic of ireland |
179-180 | Huddleston | John Lane Conley (b) 1815 TN |
180-182 | Hudson | Thomas C (b) 1811 KY |
183-184 | Hulen | Neb & Jane |
184-185 | Hurst | John |
I J Top | ||
185-186 | Jefferson | Daniel (b) 1772 VA |
186-189 | Jenkins | George W |
189-190 | Johnson (photo included) | Asbury |
190-192 | Johnson | John West |
192-194 | Jones (photo included) | W R |
Yard Pinnacle | ||
195-197 | Keeter | John |
L Peak | ||
197-200 | Layton | John |
200-201 | Lefevers | William (b) 1825 |
201-202 | Linck | John Ott (b) 1876 IL |
202 | Lowery | F A (b) 1849 |
M Acme | ||
202-205 | Matthews | Jasper N (b) 1832 |
205 | McAnnally | Mary |
205-207 | McBee | Jim & Walter |
207 | McCarty | Edward 1000 |
207-210 | McCracken (photograph included) | Joseph Richmond (b) 1788 TN |
210-214 | McCracken (photo included) | Elam Yard West |
214-215 | McEntire | Champion |
215-216 | Mears | William F (b) 1806 NC |
216-217 | Melton | Elisha |
217-220 | Milum | Samuel |
220-222 | Morrow | John |
222 | Murry | John Jefferson (b) 1843 |
222-224 | Musick | Isaac |
North Top | ||
224 | Narramore | J B |
224-227 | Noe | William, Hiram, Jack & Fletcher |
O Elevation | ||
227-228 | Osborn (photo included) | Wiley |
228-230 | Ott | John |
230-232 | Owens | Thomas (b) 1816 NC |
P Superlative | ||
232-233 | Stride (photo included) | William Carroll |
233-234 | Pangle | John (b) 1818 TN |
234-235 | Parnell | Richard (b) 1859 MO |
235-239 | Patterson | James W (b) 1817 |
239-240 | Phillips | John Garretson (b) 1802 |
240-244 | Pierce | James H |
244-246 | Pyle (photo included) | Dr. William (b) 1735 Holland |
Q R Elevation | ||
246-247 | Railsback | Samuel |
247-248 | Risley | Oliver L (b) 1852 |
247-248 | Ritter | Jesse |
248-249 | Rose (photo included) | Isaac |
249-250 | Rowden | Hooper J (b) 1824 TN |
South Top | ||
250-251 | Sanders | George W |
251-252 | Sanders | Tom |
252-254 | Seawell | Jesse Q |
254 | Setzler | Marion Davis (b) 1873 SC |
254-256 | Sims | James H (b) 1817 |
256 | Smith | Riley |
256-258 | Smith | William |
258-259 | Snipes | William |
259 | Summers | Calvin |
T Acme | ||
259-260 | Tabor | John H (b) 1809 |
260-261 | Thompson | Isaac (b) NC |
261 | Tippit | Jim |
262 | Treadway | William J |
262-263 | Treat | John Berry (b) 1820 IN |
U Five Due west Top | ||
264 | Wagoner | Samuel B (b) 1855 |
264 | Watts | William Coleman |
264-266 | Weast (photograph included) | Leonard S (b) 1845 NC |
266-267 | Wickersham | Daniel |
267-268 | Willingham (photo included) | J Southward (b) 1851 AL |
268-269 | Williams | George (b) 1833 AL |
269-270 | Wilson (photo included) | Isaac (b) 1814 NC |
271-273 | Wood (photo ane ... photograph 2) | William |
273-274 | Woods | Abram |
275-277 | Wolf (photo included) | Michael |
X Y Z Top | ||
277-279 | Yocham | Jake |
279-284 | Young | John (b) 1804 NC |
284-285 | Young | Thomas (b) GA |

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